Distinctive Collections

Staff Employment

Staff Employment Series: 1961-1985
Linear Feet:
 8.4 (20 document cases, 2 rolls microfilm)
Status: Closed. Some files may be opened after review.
Boxes: 1189-1208

General These files contain the employment histories for all of Senator Tower’s staff, from student interns to top aides, for both Washington, D.C., and his state offices. While some files contain only a few sheets of correspondence, others may include salary histories, signed loyalty oaths, notes, photographs, high school and college transcripts, resumes, letters of recommendation, personnel data sheets, letters of resignation, evaluations and writing samples. There is one file for Senate pages, 1982-1984, containing material similar to that in other employment files. Infrequently, material unrelated to employment issues is found among the files, such as a 1976 trip report written by special assistant for Mexican-American affairs, Alfredo E. Cardenas.