
Resources & Facilities

The Kinesiology Department is committed to creating a dynamic, interactive and interdisciplinary science community for our students.

The Human Performance Laboratory was moved to the new addition in the science building in the fall of 2019.  This new space now provides a 3200 sq ft state-of-the-art kinesiology laboratory for studying human movement in addition to the 800 sq ft applied kinesiology laboratory and a teaching laboratory in the Corbin J. Robertson Center. To complement these facilities and support molecular physiology research, the department maintains a wet lab in the science building equipped with tools for tissue dissection, tissue histology, and cellular and molecular assays.

These spaces support the application of laboratory activities from all areas of kinesiology throughout the curriculum and promote student-faculty interaction, cross-disciplinary thinking and exploration.  All our laboratory spaces provide the opportunity for our students to use state-of-the-art equipment including:

  • GE Lunar Prodigy DEXA
  • 12-camera Vicon Motion Capture System
  • Two Bertec Force Plates
  • 4-channel Delsys Trigno EMG+IMU system
  • Novel Loadsol Pro insole force measurement system
  • Vicon Motus Video Analysis System (two Sexton Corp underwater housings, three Basler GigE cameras)
  • Two Blue Trident IMU’s
  • Biopac Acqknowledge system (with EMG, ECG, Accelerometer, Electrogoniometer)
  • Two Parvo Medics TrueOne 2400 Metabolic Carts
  • Cosmed Quark ECG
  • Two Woodway Forefront Treadmills
  • Monark LC6+NOVO Cycle Ergometer
  • Velotron/Computrainer Cycle Ergometer
  • BioRad MiniProtean Gel Electrophoresis System
  • Fisher 150 Tissue Homogenizer
  • AD Instruments Powerlab Systems
  • Lactate Pro Portable Analyzer
  • Hemocue Hb801 Hemoglobin Analyzer