Information Technology

Connecting with Others

  • Faculty and staff can be searched for in the website directory. You can search by first name, last name, username, department, and title.

    Search the Website Directory


    Faculty, staff, and students can be searched for in the Internal Directory. You can search by first name, last name, username, department, and title.

    Search the Internal Directory

  • Google Groups make it convenient for the Southwestern community to communicate with each other via email. Google Groups are most similar to mailing lists / listservs, but Google Groups can also be used as online forums.


    Benefits of Google Groups

    • Easy email communication
    • Records of all communication
    • Distributed administration of the group
    • Google Drive folders/files can be shared with the group


    Requesting a New Group

    All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to request a Google Group be created for their club, group, organization, etc. However, students must have a faculty/staff member sponsor their group and make the request on their behalf. Official student organizations may use their faculty/staff advisor as their Google Group sponsor.



    Groups Dashboard

    Getting Started

    Help Center


    Questions, problems, concerns?

    Contact the InfoDesk

  • Gmail is the most common way for the Southwestern community to interact. You can access gmail via MySouthwestern or logging in directly


    Tips & Tricks

    • When adding recipients to a message you can search for them by name
    • With some training Priority Inbox can filter most of your mail for you
    • You can create filters to push up important emails or push out annoying emails
    • Be careful of phishing attempts that seem malicious
  • Southwestern students, faculty, and staff can host a custom website locally on our Helios server. This is an advanced feature that requires technical expertise to use. Please consider using Google Sites as an easier and more approachable solution.


    Getting Started

    1. Open your home directory in Helios
    2. Navigate to public_html
    3. Create a file named index.html
    4. Edit away!
    5. View at


    Tips & Tricks

    • Your web browser’s inspector helps debug issues and will be your best friend
    • An HTML editor like Sublime Text, ATOM, TextWrangler, or Notepad++ can help quite a bit
    • A web builder like Dreamweaver, WaveMaker, or Kompozer is nice too
    • There are lots of nice Javascript libraries & frameworks out there
    • You can use PHP too
  • Campus Notices is a virtual bulletin board useful for spreading news, advertising programs/events, and sharing opportunities. Campus Notices can be used by faculty, staff, and students as well as clubs, organizations, and departments. Campus Notices is sent via email every weekday at 8am.


    If you’d like to post a notice, you can log in using your Southwestern username/password and selecting ‘Submit Notice’ in the right sidebar.


    Go to Campus Notices