International Studies

Our Faculty


    • NAME

      Melissa Johnson

    • TITLE

      Professor of Anthropology

    • Specialty

      Topical: Nature, the more than human and the human; Race, Racism, Critical Race Theory; Environment and Place; Conservation; Social Theory; Environmental History; Racial History; Tourism; Gender. Area: Belize; Caribbean; U.S.-Mexico Borderlands; Central Texas

Art History

    • NAME

      Patrick Thomas Hajovsky

    • TITLE

      Associate Professor of Art History

    • Specialty

      The Art and Archaeology of Mesoamerica and the Andes

      The Art History of the Spanish Colonial Period in Latin America

      Ancient and Colonial Aesthetics and Embodiment in the Americas

    • NAME

      Thomas Howe

    • TITLE

      Professor of Art History

    • Specialty

      Architectural History (Greek and Roman, Modern), Art History (Greek and Roman), Architectural Design (introductory, structural and historical design), classical archaeology, international cultural properties management.

    • NAME

      Allison R. Miller

    • TITLE

      Associate Professor of Art History

    • Specialty

      Chinese art and archaeology

    • NAME

      Kimberly Smith

    • TITLE

      Professor of Art History

    • Specialty

      Modern German and Austrian art; feminist art history; art historiography





    • NAME

      Francis Mathieu

    • TITLE

      Professor of French

    • Specialty

      Intercultural Skills; French Culture and Literature; History of French Civilization; Translation; Food & Health; World War Two France; Multi-Cultural France; Introduction to Modern Literature; and African Literature

    • NAME

      Aaron Prevots

    • TITLE

      Professor of French

    • Specialty

      All levels of French language, literature and culture. French feminisms; poetry; novels; music; film; translation. Interdisciplinary coursework including through International Studies and the Paideia program.



    • NAME

      Melissa K Byrnes

    • TITLE

      Professor of History

    • Specialty

      Modern European History, France and the French Empire, Migration, Race, Muslims and the Islamic World, Human Rights, Humanitarianism

    • NAME

      Jethro Hernández Berrones

    • TITLE

      Associate Professor of History

    • Specialty

      Modern Mexico, Latin America, Medicine, Science, Public Health, Medical Education, Homeopathy, Global Scientific Networks, Traditional/Popular Healing, Popular Science, Spiritualism/Spiritism

    • NAME

      Jessica Hower

    • TITLE

      Associate Dean of the Faculty & Associate Professor of History

    • Specialty

      Early Modern Europe, Britain and Ireland, The British Empire, The Atlantic World, Comparative Colonialism, Women & Gender


    • NAME

      Michael Cooper

    • TITLE

      Professor of Music

    • Specialty

      Music history, music and society in Europe and the United States, 1600-present; Special emphasis on the lives and music of African American composers, particularly Florence Price and Margaret Bonds. Also music and utopian movements in the U.S. in the 19th century; lives and works of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel. Historical performance, 1600-1900. 


Political Science


    • NAME

      Elaine Craddock

    • TITLE

      Professor of Religion

    • Specialty

      Hinduism; Feminism and Religion; Tamil literature; Religion and the Body

    • NAME

      Laura Hobgood

    • TITLE

      Professor of Religion

    • Specialty

      Animals in the history of the Christian tradition; human-dog history; contemporary religious-ethical issues related to other-than-human animals; religion and ecology; environmental studies; Ecofeminism; human-animal studies; alternative religious experiences (i.e. cycling as religion)


    • NAME

      Ted Jobe

    • TITLE

      Director of Language Media Services

    • Specialty

      Specialty Hispanic Linguistics with emphasis on sociolinguistics. Research in learning strategies with authentic-language audiovisual materials

    • NAME

      María de los Ángeles Rodriguez Cadena

    • TITLE

      Associate Professor of Spanish

    • Specialty

      Contemporary Mexican and Latin American Literature and Culture, Cultural memory, Cultural complexes, Historical fiction in literature, film and television, Mexican television and film female directors, Feminist Studies, Race and Ethnicity Studies, Nature and Culture, Environmental Humanities.

    • NAME

      Catherine Bourland Ross

    • TITLE

      Professor of Spanish

    • Specialty

      Post-Franco Spanish literature, twentieth and twenty-first century peninsular Spanish literature and film. 

    • NAME

      Laura Senio Blair

    • TITLE

      Assistant Dean of the Faculty & Professor of Spanish

    • Specialty

      20th and 21st Century Hispano American Narrative and Drama. Chilean Narrative, Drama and Film. Hispanic Film.