International Students

For Faculty & Advisors

International Students   

Southwestern University enrolls students from around the globe. The Southwestern community benefits greatly from the cultural diversity which each of these students brings to the campus. Since so many of our students study abroad, and many faculty have experience teaching and conducting research outside the United States, the Southwestern community is welcoming of an international presence on campus. International students are regularly called upon for their unique perspective and expertise, and contribute greatly to the dynamic and diverse climate at Southwestern. As a faculty member or advisor, you may have international students in your classroom or have an international student as an advisee. Here are a few resources to help you support this integral part of the Southwestern community.

See: International Student Website

  • Because Southwestern enrolls students from around the world, you will likely have the opportunity to teach students from these diverse backgrounds in your classroom. There are many advantages to having these students in your classes. The Office of Study Abroad and International Student Services has prepared this resource for you as you consider the challenges and rewards of having these students in your classroom.

  • While at Southwestern, you may also be an advisor to one of our degree-seeking international students.  While in general advising one of these students is no different than advising a US student, there are a few things to keep in mind.

    Visa Regulations - If your advisee is on a student or other visa that allows them to study in the USA, there may be some visa requirements (such as maintaining full-time status) that your advisee must maintain.  The Office of Study Abroad and International Student Services provides in-depth information about maintaining visa status during the mandatory International Student Orientation at the start of the students’ Southwestern career. If there are any questions about visa regulations or the student is considering dropping below full time enrollment, the student should consult the Office of Study Abroad and International Student Services staff for clarification.

    Employment Authorization - There are also strict regulations on employment authorization for students on visas.  This is extended to internships and some volunteer opportunities. Thus, if your advisee is on a visa to study at SU and is discussing the possibility of employment or internship participation, direct them to consult with the Office of Study Abroad and International Student Services BEFORE they begin the employment or internship. 

    Transfer Credit from Foreign University - Sometimes international students decided to take classes at a university close to home during the summer to help fulfill course requirements.  For our international students, this may mean taking classes at an international university. It is a Southwestern policy that any transfer credit from an international university must be approved by the Office of Study Abroad and International Student Services BEFORE it can be accepted by SU.  Thus, remind your advisee that they must come talk with the Office of Study Abroad and International Student Services before transfer credit can be approved.