First-Year Advisors

Advising Training

Training is critical to the development of advising professionals 

The 6 Professional Academic Advisors were hired and started June 1, 2021. During the month of June we spent 53 hours in training before Sprog week, including meeting with 11 department/program chairs. Advisors also met with various university offices including Financial Aid, Admission, Business Office, Counseling and Health Center, Center for Career and Professional Development, and Residence Life. In July, we participated in a full day retreat with Center for Academic Success. 

Throughout the fall 2021 semester, we have held regularly scheduled meetings the Center for Integrative Learning to learn how we can help connect students to High Impact Experiences (HIE). In addition, we have had regular meetings with Lisa Dela Cruz, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, to discuss opportunities for student engagement. We have also met weekly with the Center for Academic Success and Registrar staff to discuss upcoming deadlines, policy updates, and important campus information. In addition, we have continued to meet with many of the offices we met with in June to discuss updates and options to collaborate, and we have continued our outreach to individual departments.