Independent Major

Majoring & Minoring

An Independent Major’s course of study must show unity and coherence in examining a set of intellectual issues through the lenses of a range of disciplines.

The independent major (area of concentration) within the Bachelor of Arts degree is an alternative to a regularly offered major and minor. It gives students greater freedom to design an interdisciplinary course of study focusing on a theme or career plan. It must consist of no fewer than 56 credits, chosen in accordance with an overall plan that gives unity and coherence to the integrated course of study: 1) 28 credits from one subject area, 20 of which must be above the introductory level; and 2) 28 additional credits from other subject areas, 20 of which must be above the introductory level.

Students’ programs must be designed in consultation with the chairs of the departments/programs involved and must be endorsed by a vote of the department/program in which the first 28-credit block falls and then submitted to the Curriculum Committee for final approval. The capstone experience is dictated by the requirements of the subject area in the first 28-credit block. Courses used to satisfy the first 28-credit block may not be double counted.