
Returning Veterans

Public Law 103-353, and the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), expands returning veterans’ rights, including those for health care benefits.  The Act prohibits the denial of initial employment, re-employment, retention in employment, promotion, or any benefit of employment by an employer against any member of the armed forces, including employed individuals who are called back to active duty.  Any person re-employed after military service is entitled to all seniority and other rights and benefits, including health benefits and health coverage that would have been attained if the employment had not been interrupted by military service.

Individuals are required to give advance notice to their employers, unless military necessity makes such notice impossible or unreasonable.  The veterans re-employment rights are effective unless the cumulative length of the current absence plus any previous absences exceeds five years.

For more information, refer to the Policy Repository.