Exercise + Sports Studies


Southwestern’s Fitness and Recreational Activity Program. 

The objectives of the Fitness and Recreational Activity (FRA) program for Southwestern students are:

  • To develop knowledge, skills and physical abilities that contribute to the enjoyment of various sports and leisure-time activities throughout life
  • To acquire techniques and expertise in developing and maintaining personal physical fitness
  • To develop and practice a lifestyle that promotes wellness, physical fitness and incorporates recreational activities on a regular basis
  • To promote interests and abilities in intramural and recreational sports/activities

The following policies apply to Fitness and Recreational Activity (FRA) courses:

  • Two semester hours of Fitness and Recreational Activity course(s) are required for all degrees.  FRA courses are graded on a Pass/D/F basis.
  • One additional FRA course may be counted as elective credit toward all degrees.
  • Repeat courses are not allowed in the attainment of the required two semester hours.  Exceptions to this policy are: 1) repeating 47-001, Adapted Recreational/Fitness Activities, and 2) repeating a course in which content changes by design, such as 47-001 and 301, Selected Topics.
  • Credit by departmental examination may be received in FRA courses upon petition to the department chair. Students must demonstrate appropriate proficiency to earn credit through petition.