Environmental Studies

Majoring & Minoring

Considering Environmental Studies?

Environmental Studies at Southwestern is one of our premier interdisciplinary programs. It is designed to expose students to a wide range of perspectives and disciplinary orientations to understanding ‘the natural environment’ and human-environment interactions and connections. Students graduating with Environmental Studies pursue a wide variety of careers in government, NGOs, the sustainability sector, environmental law, or go on to graduate school to deepen their knowledge.

  • Nine courses:

    • ENV49-104 Introduction to Environmental Studies
    • ENV49-204 Environmental GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
    • ENV49-364 US Environmental Policy
    • ENV49-964 Capstone in Environmental Studies
    • Two courses in the Natural Sciences from:
      • Biology
        • BIO50-123 Living Systems (take with 50-121)
        • BIO50-121 Investigation into Living Systems (take with 50-123)
        • BIO50-384 Conservation Biology
        • BIO50-434 Ecology
      • Chemistry
        • CHE51-014 Chemistry Appreciation
        • CHE51-024 Chemistry of the Environment
        • CHE51-103 Principles of General Chemistry (take with 51-101)
        • CHE51-101 Chemical Methods and Techniques Laboratory (take with 51-103)
        • CHE51-504 Instrumentation in Environmental and Biological Analysis
        • CHE51-852 Advanced Lab in Analytical Chemistry
      • Physics
        • PHY53-034 Introduction to Earth Science
        • PHY53-044 Introduction to Climate Science
        • PHY53-354 Energy and the Environment
    • One course on Environmental Justice. These courses explicitly examine and theorize power structures in relationship to environmental issues. Take one from:
      •  Anthropology
        • ANT35-254 Latinx Spiritualities
        • ANT35-334 Global Environmental Justice
      • Feminist Studies
        • FST04-314 Odd Ducks: Critical Animality
      •  Religion
        • REL19-334 Apocalypse
        • REL19-344 Animals and Religion
        • REL19-374 Sacred Space and the Environment
    • One course in the Environmental Humanities. These courses are taught from humanistic perspectives (religion, history, English, comparative literature, philosophy, art history) and include an analysis of the human-environment relationship in the interpretive endeavors of the course. Take one from:
      • Art History
        • ARH71-254 Landscape and Environment in Chinese Art
      • Communication Studies
        • COM75-464 Environmental Communication
      • Feminist Studies
        • FST04-314 Odd Ducks
      •  German
        • GER12-354 Contemporary German Culture
        • GER12-714 Transnational Identity Narratives: Gender/Nature/Culture
      •  History
        • HIS16-084 Disease, Health and Medicine in World History
        • HIS16-504 The History of the U.S. West
      •  Philosophy
        • PHI18-234 Environmental Philosophy
      •  Religion
        • REL19-334 Apocalypse
        • REL19-344 Animals and Religion
        • REL19-374 Sacred Space and the Environment
        • REL19-364 Pilgrimage
      • Note: One course cannot double count for both the Environmental Justice and Environmental Humanities requirement.
    • An additional upper-level course from any of the above categories or from the list of contributing and Environmental Studies courses below, or additional courses listed each semester on Web Advisor.
      •  Chinese
        • CHI22-332, 334 Intermediate/Advanced Modern Chinese
      •  Economics
        • ECO31-324 Environmental Economics
      •  Education
        • EDU40-334 Promoting Environmental Literacy
        • EDU40-514 Teaching Science in the Elementary and Middle School (3-1) Environmental Studies
        • ENV49-274 Sustainable Cities
        • ENV49-284 Sustainable Food and Agriculture
      •  Theatre
        • THE72-814 Theatre Sustainability
    • Required supporting course for Environmental Studies major: One course
      • MAT52-114 Introduction to Statistics

    Note: Biology 50-434 Ecology and Chemistry 51-504 Instrumentation in Environmental and Biological Analysis are advanced courses and have prerequisites, and these prerequisites do not count toward the Environmental Studies major. Students who have a special interest in the natural sciences are encouraged to minor in one of those disciplines, and to include one or more of these advanced classes in their program of study. In planning a minor, keep in mind the University policy that no courses will count toward both a major in Environmental Studies and a minor.

    Note: While not required, students in Environmental Studies are encouraged to complete an Academic Internship and an Intercultural Learning Experience.

  • Five Courses:

    • ENV49-104 Introduction to Environmental Studies
    • One course in the Natural Sciences from:
      • Biology
        • BIO50-123 Living Systems (take with 50-121)
        • BIO50-121 Investigation into Living Systems (take with 50-123)
        • BIO50-384 Conservation
        • Biology BIO50-434 Ecology
      • Chemistry
        • CHE51-014 Chemistry Appreciation
        • CHE51-024 Chemistry of the Environment
        • CHE51-103 Principles of General Chemistry (take with 51-101)
        • CHE51-101 Chemical Methods and Techniques Laboratory (take with 51-103)
        • CHE51-504 Instrumentation in Environmental and Biological Analysis
        • CHE51-852 Advanced Lab in Analytical Chemistry
      • Physics
        • PHY53-034 Introduction to Earth Science
        • PHY53-044 Introduction to Climate Science
        • PHY53-354 Energy and the Environment
      • Three additional upper-level Environmental Studies courses, at least one of which must come from the Humanities area.

In your senior year, all majors will take Capstone (ENV 49-964) - usually Fall Semester

Study Abroad

We also strongly recommend students study abroad.  School for Field Studies (SFS) and School for International Training (SIT) are excellent programs, as are a number of possibilities through ISEP and IES. Set up a meeting the Intercultural Learning Office!


We also strongly recommend students complete an internship before they graduate! Set up a meeting with Internship Services in Career Services.


Finally, make sure you meet with an Environmental Studies Professor  (if one is not already your advisor) for guidance about the major.  This helps keep you on track! 

General Education Requirements

We also strongly encourage Environmental Studies students to fulfill their general education/distribution requirements with courses that have special pertinence to the study of the environment.