Teacher Certification

State Competency Testing

State Competency Testing Requirements

In order to be certified by the State, students must be recommended by an approved program in teacher preparation and pass the required state competency exams for their certification level. In order to be recommended for initial teacher certification, all candidates are required to pass one or more examinations offered by the state of Texas. 

Teacher candidates are supported by the department in preparing for these tests by taking practice tests in their junior year and provided a plan for addressing areas of concern if needed. 

No student is allowed to take more than two teacher certification exams on one test date.

Students seeking teacher certification in EC-6 must take four state exams: Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (EC-12), Core Subjects (EC-6), Science of Teaching Reading and All-Level Special Education (EC-12). 

Students seeking teacher certification in grades 4-8 must take two state exams*: Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (EC-12) and the chosen content area.  *Those seeking certification in English Language Arts & Reading (ELAR) are also required to take Science of Teaching Reading.

Students seeking teacher certification in grades 7-12 must take two state exams: Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (EC-12) and the chosen content area.

Students seeking teacher certification in special education must take two state exams: Generic Special Education (EC-12) and PPR (EC-12). This certification is not a stand alone certification and must be completed in addition to either elementary or secondary certification. 

Some of the TExES exams are offered on computer and some are limited to paper administration.