In this series, President Burger outlines his unique vision for Higher Education and its vital role in developing the intellectual skills required to adapt, create, collaborate, and view challenges from multiple perspectives, thereby creating a much broader, more relevant education for the tomorrow that awaits.
  • Episode 1
    Moving the Frontiers of Higher Education Forward
    15m 31s  |  ESSAY DOWNLOAD (PDF)

    Artfully bucking the tide of conventional thinking and lowered expectations in higher education, President Edward Burger embraces a vision of impactful and meaningful formal education — an unprecedented commitment to inquiry-based, active-discovery, and experiential learning.

  • Episode 2
    A Case for Inefficiency in Higher Education
    17m 03s  |  ESSAY DOWNLOAD (PDF)

    Due to competitive pressures, colleges and universities have been forced to become more corporatized and more "efficient" in how they operate. But what happens when the values of the market do not align with the values of the university? President Edward Burger examines how these so-called efficiencies endanger the invaluable, inherent mission of higher education.

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