Economics and Business

Majoring & Minoring

Department Goals


  1. Students obtain an understanding of economic theory.
  2. Students develop their skills of analysis.

Financial Economics:

  1. Develop a foundation in the interdisciplinary context related to economics and finance.
  2. Think analytically about social issues in a financial setting.
  3. Understand the economic models used in finance as well as the econometrics skills to apply the models to financial markets.


  1. Develop disciplinary literacy by understanding business theory and concepts.
  2. Develop business domain research and writing skills.
  3. Understand business as a set of interdependent sub-disciplines within society.
  4. Apply disciplinary theory and concepts to business situations.

Students elect to work toward a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Economics, Financial Economics, or Business.

Paired Major: Economics and Business

Paired majors and major-minor combinations in Economics and Business are also available. In those cases, double counting of Economics 31-104 and Economics 31-474/Business 30-474 is allowed.  Financial Economics cannot be paired with either Economics or Business.

Paired Major: Business and Art History

It is also possible to do a paired major in Business and Art History by counting one upper-level elective course in Business, Economics, or Accounting as one of the two upper-level elective courses required in the Art History major, and counting an upper-level elective course in Art History as one of the five upper-level elective courses required for the Business major.

Note on course numbering:   100 level courses are introductory.  200 - 800 level courses are upper-level and require introductory or other courses as prerequisites.  900 level courses are capstone, tutorials, honors, internships, and independent study.

Major in Economics: Nine courses
  • ECO31-104 Principles of Economics
  • ECO31-224 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
  • ECO31-234 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
  • ECO31-314 Econometrics
  • ECO31-964 Capstone in Economics (to be taken in the spring of the senior year)
  • At least four additional upper-level Economics courses or courses that contribute to Economics (3-4 credits each)

All courses above Economics 31-104 require sophomore standing.

An internship (Economics 31-944) is strongly recommended. 

Required supporting courses in the Economics major: Two courses

  • MAT52-114 Introduction to Statistics
  • MAT52-154 Calculus I1 or MAT52-164 Applied Multivariable Calculus I
Minor in Economics: Six courses
  • ECO31-104 Principles of Economics
  • ECO31-224 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory or ECO31-234 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
  • Three additional upper-level Economics courses or courses that contribute to Economics (3-4 credits each)
  • MAT52-154 Calculus I1 or MAT52-164 Applied Multivariable Calculus I1

Note 1: Students not ready for Calculus I should first take MAT52-124 Elementary Function Theory.

Note on course numbering: 100 level courses are introductory. 200 - 800 level courses are upper-level and require introductory or other courses as prerequisites.  900 level courses are capstone, tutorials, honors, internships, and independent study.

Major in Financial Economics: Ten courses
  • ACC36-114 Fundamentals of Accounting
  • ECO31-104 Principles of Economics
  • ECO31-224 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
    • ECO31-314 Econometrics
  • BUS30-474 or ECO30-474 Finance
  • BUS30-574 or ECO30-574 Investments
    • BUS30-594 Financial Statement Analysis
    • ECO31-964 Capstone in Economics
    • At least two additional upper-level courses from the following:
      • ECO31-214 Money, Banking and Financial Markets
      • ECO31-234 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
      • ECO31-494 Financial Economics
      • BUS30-912 Financial Analyst Program (must be repeated to count as an upper-level course)
      • BUS30-944 or ECO31-944 Academic Internship
      • Any upper level course in Accounting (200 level or above)
      • Related courses with approval of the department chair

Required supporting courses in the Financial Economics major: Two courses

  • MAT52-114 Introduction to Statistics
  • MAT52-154 Calculus I1 or MAT52-164 Applied Multivariable Calculus I

Note 1: Students not ready for Calculus I should first take MAT52-124 Elementary Function Theory.

Note on course numbering:   100 level courses are introductory.  200 - 800 level courses are upper-level and require introductory or other courses as prerequisites.  900 level courses are capstone, tutorials, honors, internships, and independent study.

Major in Business: Ten courses
  • ACC36-114 Fundamentals of Accounting
  • ECO31-104 Principle of Economics
  • BUS30-214 Foundations of Business
  • BUS30-474 Finance
  • BUS30-964 Capstone in Business
  • Five additional upper-level Accounting, Business or Economics courses or courses that contribute to Business or Economics (3-4 credits each)

An internship (Business 30-944) is strongly recommended.

Required supporting courses in the Business major: Two courses

  • MAT52-114 Introduction to Statistics
  • Take one of the following:
    • MAT52-154 Calculus I
    • MAT52-164 Applied Multivariable Calculus I
    • BUS30-154 Quantitative Methods in Business
Minor in Business: Six courses
  • ACC36-114 Fundamentals of Accounting
  • ECO31-104 Principles of Economics
  • BUS30-214 Foundations of Business
  • MAT52-114 Introduction to Statistics
  • Take one of the following:
    • MAT52-154 Calculus I
    • MAT52-164 Applied Multivariable Calculus I
    • BUS30-154 Quantitative Methods in Business
  • One additional upper-level courses (4 credits) in Accounting, Business, or Economics or courses that contribute to Business or Economics.

Note 1: Students not ready for Calculus I should first take MAT52-124 Elementary Function Theory.

Note 2: Students who intend to go to graduate school should discuss additional course recommendations with faculty in the department.

Note 3: A minimum grade of C- must be earned in any course if it is to count as a prerequisite for a subsequent Accounting, Business, or Economics course.

Note on course numbering: 100 level courses are introductory.  200 - 800 level courses are upper-level and require introductory or other courses as prerequisites.  900 level courses are capstone, tutorials, honors, internships, and independent study.