Counseling Center

What to Expect

The Counseling Center provides a variety of services to our students. Take a look below to learn more about our services and what to expect.

The Counseling Center provides a variety of services to our students including individual and group counseling as well as workshops. Each of our counselors here at SU specialize in working with college students and are here to support you and your needs.

Individual Counseling

Students can meet one-on-one with a counselor to discuss their concerns and ways to cope. If a student’s needs would be best met by an off-campus service, referrals will be provided.

Initial Appointment (Triage): 30-minute; This appointment is a short appointment for the therapist to gather information about what symptoms, brief history, and stressors. It is during this appointment where we discuss what type of counseling services are the most appropriate and helpful. Are you interested in a triage? Check out our walk-in hours for new appointments here.

Secondary Appointment (Intake): 50-minute; If your therapist determines that individual counseling sessions would be beneficial to you, the next session you will have is an intake session. An intake session is an in-depth exploration of your past mental health and family history as well as your current challenges. The intake provides the counselor with the opportunity to get to know you better so they are able to support you in the best way possible.

Resource Consult/Follow-Up: 30 or 50 minutes; This therapeutic option provides you the opportunity to meet with a therapist to focus specifically on learning and applying coping skills. This option is available if traditional therapy is not needed or appropriate.  

Follow Up Appointments: 50-minute one-on-one appointment;  Therapy takes work and is an ongoing process.  Follow-up appointments provide an opportunity for a more in-depth exploration of your challenges as well as continued emotional support and reinforcement from the therapist.

If you’re interested in making an appointment, give the Counseling Center a call at 512.863.1252.

Support Groups

Support groups provide an opportunity to find community and support from students who may be facing similar challenges as you. Support groups are a great place to both share personal experiences as well as listen to and support your peers which can often create a sense of validation. Although therapists are present in the group, participants of the group often guide the group by supporting and validating one another.

Students of Color Support Group: If you identify as a Black, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC) student, this is a space for you! Join other students of color in this group to share your experiences both on and off this campus and build community. FREE food is provided for those who RSVP in advance. All BIPOC identities welcome! The group is facilitated by Purna Bajekal (SU Counselor), Santiago Rocha (SU Health Educator), and Geneva Walker (SU Counselor). Email Purna Bajekal with any questions.

Interpersonal Process Group Counseling

Interpersonal Process (IP) Groups are powerful tools for growth and change. In process groups, 5-10 individuals meet face-to-face to share their struggles and concerns with the facilitation of a trained therapist. These interpersonal interactions can provide group members an opportunity to deepen their level of self-awareness and to learn how they relate to others. Once these groups have formed, they meet confidentiality throughout the semester to learn about relationships, self-awareness, identifying emotions, and trust. 

The Counseling Center holds several IP Groups each semester. If you are interested in joining one, please contact Dr. Rachel McNally.


Counseling Services offer various workshops for students where they can learn about health and wellness. These workshops are didactic (educational) and experiential in nature. We do workshops for classrooms, events, or student organizations. Some examples include stress management, ADHD/executive functioning, mindfulness, dealing with grief, self care, and mental health awareness. Contact us if you’re interested in a workshop.

ADHD & Executive Functioning: Do you have difficulty paying attention in class, keeping organized, or turning in assignments on time? Join us for the four-session workshop to learn tips and techniques to get and stay organized in your classes, learn study skills, learn how to with procrastination, and learn effective communication skills with professors. Email Dr. Rachel McNally if you are interested in joining.

Mindfulness Mondays: This is a once weekly open group (no sign up required) that focuses on relaxation through guided meditation and guided imagery. This group will be held virtually every Monday from 4 pm to 4:30 pm on RingCentral and is facilitated by Purna Bajekal (SU Counselor). Click here to join: