For Current Students

Clubs and Honor Societies

ACM / UPE Chapter

ACM Club

The SU ACM Club is a student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). It seeks to create a supportive community for anyone with a passion for computer science, including professors, majors and non-majors. In the informal setting of the Chapman-Whitmore student lounge, students gain support, advice and friendship from their peers and their professors. ACM members discuss which classes to take, encourage and help each other to give talks at conferences, and learn how to put together an excellent application for grad school. They host bimonthly meetings where members participate in all sorts of activities including listening to guest speakers, game nights, preparing materials for the Computing Museum in Mood-Bridwell Hall and helping with the campus retro game night.

To get updates on ACM club meetings, please join please join the su-acm Google Group through your SU email account.

UPE Chapter

Upsilon Pi Epslion (UPE) is an international honor society for the computing and information disciplines founded in 1967. In order to be inducted, undergraduate students must meet a set of minimum requirements including a certain number of credit hours of computer science courses and a minimum overall GPA and GPA within the major. Each year, the SU Chapter of UPE invites a distinguished speaker to Southwestern and hosts an induction ceremony for new members.

ACM Programming Contest

Teams practice once a week to compete in various programming contests held throughout the year. They are challenged to be innovative and creative in solving complex problems and create new software programs under pressure. For more information on some of these contests, visit their websites:

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest 

For more information, please contact Dr. Jacob Schrum at