
Majoring & Minoring

Students may major in Classics (which includes the study of Greek, Latin, and Classics in translation), Greek, or Latin, and can minor in Greek or Latin.

The Classics major exposes students to both languages of the Graeco-Roman world, plus a range of courses in ancient history, philosophy, culture, art, and archaeology.

The major and minor in Latin enable students to study the literature and culture of the Roman world, from the formative years of the Republic to the expansion and power of the Empire.

At the head of Greek literature stand the Homeric epics, followed by equally fascinating literature of the archaic, classical, and helleinstic periods.

The Classics Program has broad goals, embracing cultural and social issues, critical thinking, language skills, and advanced research skills.

Classics students have a choice of a range of study abroad opportunities, as semester and summer Study Programs take place in various Mediterranean countries: 

—Greece at College Year at Athens, with courses in ancient languages and history, as well as in English in political science, history, philosophy, and environmental studies.

—Italy in Rome at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies, with courses in languages and history, we well as art history.

Classics majors also have the opportunity to conduct advanced research at the side of a professor. For example, one recent graduate, working in collaboration with Dr. Haskell, produced a paper on the topic of the arrival of Greeks on Crete (published in Athens the following year). Another student “read” and classified a sequence of pottery sherds at an archaeological site in Turkey.