
Job Postings

The Center for Career & Professional Development offers high-tech and high-touch services to customize the recruiting experience to your needs.

Posting a Job

Postings for full-time, part-time, or internship positions targeted at SU students and graduates are free to employers. Employers must register with HireSU (via Symplicity) the first time they access the system prior to posting. Postings typically require one business day for approval by the Center for Career & Professional Development before being activated. 

Ready to post a position? Register with or log in to HireSU.

Hiring an SU Student Tutor

If you seek to employ an SU student to tutor your K-12 student (or if you’re seeking a fellow college student to help you out), you can post opportunities through the Center for Career & Professional Development. In addition to posting to our HireSU job board, you can use a special service we offer to connect with prospective tutors. Each semester we recruit tutors and maintain a list by subject area. Please contact us at pirate2pro@southwestern.edu or 512.863.1346 to let us know of your needs. Please note that our semesters typically end before K-12 semesters, and our students are often out of town during breaks. To that end, recruiting a tutor just in time for final exams may be challenging. We encourage you to reach out earlier in the semester. 

On-Campus Student Employment

On-campus jobs can also be posted to HireSU to provide centralized access for all students seeking on-campus employment and to get campus positions the most visibility possible. Campus departments which have hired students recently have already been preregistered in HireSU. Any additional departments or additional contacts for already registered departments can also register. Campus departments can specify in the posting how they want students to apply (e.g. direct applicants to a URL on departmental website, direct applicants to download an application, stop by in person, etc.). While all students are eligible to work on campus, departments should place a priority on hiring students who have federal work-study aid as part of their financial aid package (all other qualifications being equal), as the university seeks to maximize the use of those funds.