Student Accounts

Waivers for Optional Charges


Student Accounts

Student Accounts

Waiver Type Amount of Charge 2023-2024 Waiver Site Opens Waiver Site Closes

Vehicle Registration

NOTE - Can only be done by students since it requires log in through student email

$100 each semester


Fall 5/1/2023



Spring  11/1/2023

Fall  7/13/2023  


Spring  1/12/2024 

Dewar Tuition Refund Plan


IMPORTANT - Policy coverage is 75% for both injury and illness  withdrawals & mental health withdrawals



2023-24 academic year




New SU Students for Spring 2024 









Student Health Insurance



2023-24 academic year 



Fall    2023 only




New SU Students for Spring 2024













 1. Vehicle Registration  - Optional Waiver EACH Semester

All Southwestern students are automatically charged a Vehicle Registration of $100 per semester.  If a student does not park a vehicle on campus, the charge may be waived each semester by completing the Vehicle Registration Waiver form online at

2. Dewar Tuition Refund Plan - Optional ANNUAL Waiver

Southwestern University is concerned for students who suffer a serious illness/injury and have to leave before the semester is completed, resulting in a loss of time and money devoted to education.  We are pleased to offer an optional tuition insurance program which will protect your financial investment. The Tuition Refund Plan, offered by A.W.G. Dewar Insurance, provides coverage of tuition, room, and board when you are required to withdraw from school due to a medical or mental health illness before the semester is complete. The program is designed to supplement Southwestern University’s standard refund policy.

The Tuition Refund Plan offers up to 75% coverage of the insured term tuition and institutional room and board charges less any refund or credit due you from the University for medical withdrawals in accordance with policy terms and conditions. A licensed physician is required to certify the medical condition and that the condition prevents the student from completing the rest of the semester. All mental health withdrawals are classified in accordance with the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. 

The chart below indicates how this program supplements the University’s own tuition refund schedule for a typical semester should you medically withdraw which is covered at 75%. The University has a separate refund policy for meal plans and does not provide a refund for room charges. Please keep in mind that financial aid scholarships and loans may also be prorated and funds returned based on the withdrawal date of the student creating a balance due to the university even though the student is no longer enrolled. Benefit payments are made to Southwestern University to be credited to the student’s account. Benefits not required to settle an account balance are refunded to the student.

Example: Student medically withdrawals from SU & doctor certifies that the injury or illness prevents the student from completing the rest of the semester. 

If the Medical Withdrawal Occurs: SU Tuition 
Dewar Refunds: Student Receives:
During first full week of classes 80% 0% 80%
During second full week of classes 60% 15% 75%
During third full week of classes 50% 25% 75%
During fourth full week of classes 40% 35% 75%
During fifth full week of classes 30% 45% 75%
After the fifth full week of classes 0% 75% 75%

All students automatically enrolled in Dewar Tuition Refund Plan

All students are automatically charged the current rate for the Dewar Tuition Refund Plan at the time of initial tuition Fall billing. After the 12th class day, the rate will be adjusted for students living off-campus.

To Waive Coverage

Students can waive this coverage by completing the waiver at the Dewar website Southwestern University is notified when a waiver is submitted and your student account will be credited for the charge.

For the fall semester, the Dewar Tuition Refund Plan waiver site is open May 1 - July 13, 2023. For changes after July 13, please email the Business Office at All waivers, changes and enrollments must be made prior to the first day of class. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED AFTER CLASSES BEGIN. 

For students not previously on campus for the Fall 2023 semester (new students, Fall study abroad, transfers and readmits), the Spring 2024 Dewar Tuition Refund Plan waiver site opens on November 1, 2023 and closes on January 12, 2024.

To Change the Amount of Coverage

To change the dollar amount of coverage, please contact the Business Office at (512) 863-1928 or

  3. Student Health Insurance – Optional ANNUAL Waiver

All full-time students are required to have and keep current health insurance coverage as a condition of enrollment. For the 2023-24 academic year, all student accounts are charged $2,465 for the University’s student health insurance plan annual premium (12 month coverage from August 10, 2023 to August 9, 2024). For students already covered by their family’s health insurance plan, this charge can be waived by providing evidence of the family primary insurance plan.   

For the fall semester, the EIIA student health insurance waiver site is open May 1 - July 13.

To waive coverage or receive additional information about the student health insurance plan please visit Once you submit your waiver on the EIIA site, you will receive an email confirmation.  If you do not receive the email confirmation, you did not complete the waiver process. 

Southwestern University is notified by EIIA when a waiver is approved and your student account will be credited for the student health insurance charge.

Please contact the EIIA student health insurance team at 888-255-4029 or email if you have questions or encounter issues with the waiver process.

For students not previously on campus for the Fall 2023 semester (new students, Fall study abroad, transfers and readmits), the Spring 2024 EIIA student health insurance waiver site is open November 1 - January 12, 2024. 

PLEASE NOTE - Providing health insurance information to the Student Health Center or SU Athletics does NOT complete this waiver process. The waiver process must be completed on-line at
Early enrollment can be completed at the same site and will ensure that you have your insurance card available on the effective date of coverage. For more information on the Early Enrollment process go here.