Language Placement and Credit

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I studied a language during HS, but I’m sure I don’t want to continue studying that language. Do I need to take the exam?

A: You are not required to take the placement test if you do not want to continue studying the same language from high school, although we highly recommend you take it.  You are not committed to continuing the language just because you took the placement test but if you receive a high enough score, you may place into a higher level or test completely out of the foreign language.

Q: I have college-level language credit that I am transferring from another institution. Do I need to take the exam?

A: No, you fall under one of the exceptions to the placement exam requirement.

Q: I would like to study two languages offered at SU. What do I do?

A: Great! Just take the exam for your first language and then take the one for your second language.

Q: Should I study for this exam?

A: No. You are not receiving a grade when you take this exam. It is intended only to assist us in placing you at the most appropriate level in the language sequence.

Q: The language program at my high school was really weak. I felt like I didn’t learn anything. Do I need to take the exam?

A: Yes. Take it, and do the best you can. You may surprise yourself. In any case, the worst that can happen is that you will place into the first semester of the foreign language.

Q: I took a language, but I did it early in my HS studies. I’ve forgotten everything. Do I need to take the exam?

A: Yes. Take it, and do the best you can. You may surprise yourself. In any case, the worst that can happen is that you will place into the first semester of the foreign language.