Language Placement and Credit

Chinese, French, German, and Spanish Placement Exams

Please read the following instructions before clicking on the placement exam link.

When you access the Emmersion placement exam website for the first time, you will be prompted to create an account. Use your Southwestern email address and student ID (if prompted). 

There is no time limit on the exam though students rarely take more than 25-30 minutes to finish.

The exam may only be taken once for each language and only take the test for a language you have studied. Although nothing will prevent you from retaking a test, each set of results is time stamped and the IP address of the computer from which you take the exam recorded. We will only accept the first score. 

Remember also that you are bound by the honor code while taking this test and doing it once for practice under an assumed name is not permissible.  No books or outside help of any kind are to be used in this exam.

When you finish the placement, you will be taken to a page with your exam results.  Your results will be recorded in Self Service within 7 business days.

Click on the following languages to begin the language placement exam:  Spanish, French, German, Chinese (Mandarin)