Emeritus Faculty

Current Emeritus Faculty

Sherry Adrian
Associate Professor Emeritus of Education
Years of Service: 1993-2021   
BA, University of North Texas; MEd, The University of Arizona; PhD, The University of Texas at Austin

Martha Mitten Allen
Professor Emeritus of History
Years of Service: 1960 -1997   
BA, MA, Southern Methodist University; PhD, The University of Texas at Austin

John Bigley
Associate Professor Emeritus of Library Automation Services
Years of Service: 1976-2009
BA, Southwestern University; MLIS, The University of Texas at Austin

Kerry Bruns
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Years of Service: 1993-2019
BA, Western New Mexico State University; PhD, New Mexico State University

Edward Burger
President Emeritus; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Years of Service: 2013-2020&#160
BA, Connecticut College; PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Glenda Carl
Associate Professor Emeritus of French
Years of Service: 1988-2014
BA, MA, University of Kansas; PhD, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Virginia Carwell
Professor Emeritus of English
Years of service: 1968-1999
BS. Eastern Illinois State College; MA, PhD Northwestern University

Suzanne Chamier
Professor Emeritus of Frenc&
BA, University of Missouri; MA, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; PhD, Washington University

John Chapman
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Years of Service: 1966-2012
BS, Baylor; MS, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Texas - Austin

B. Joe Colwell
Professor Emeritus of Economics and Business
Years of Service: 1970-1992
BA, LLB, University of Texas - Austin; PhD, Ohio State University

Weldon Crowley
Professor Emeritus of History
Years of Service: 1976-1997
BA, McMurry College; MDiv, Drew University; MA, PhD, University of Iowa

Steven Davidson
Professor Emeritus of History
Years of Service: 1988-2018
BA, University of Virginia; MA, University of Chicago; PhD, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Jan Dawson
Professor Emeritus of History
Years of Service: 1977-2004
AB, University of California - Berkeley; MA, PhD, University of Washington

John Delaney
Associate Professor Emeritus of Business
Years of Service: 1988-2015
BS, Northern Illinois University; MA, University of Illinois - Urban-Champaign; PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Richard Denman
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Computer Science
Years of Service: 1981-2014
A, MS, Texas Tech University; PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Harold Eidson
Assistant Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Computer Science
Years of Service: 1972-2002
BS, State College of Arkansas; MA, University of Texas - Austin 

Lois Ferrari
Professor Emeritus of Music
Years of Service: 1993-2022
BM, MM, Ithaca College School of Music; DMA, Eastman School of Music - University of Rochester

Paul Gaffney
Dean Emeritus of The Sarofim School of Fine Arts and Professor Emeritus of Theatre
Years of Service: 2003-2017
BS, Clarion University of Pennsylvania; MA, Indiana University; PhD, University of Kansas

David Gaines
Professor Emeritus of English
Years of Service: 1984-2020
BA, Stanford University; MA, PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Florence Gould
Professor Emeritus of Political Science
Years of Service: 1986-2002
BA, University of Texas - Austin; MA, Duke University; Phd, University of Houston

Frank Guziec
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Years of Service: 1996-2013
BS, Loyola University; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Halford Haskell
Professor Emeritus of Classics
Years of Service: 1984-2020
BA, Haverford College; MA, PhD, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

Dana Hendrix
Associate Professor Emeritus of Library Resources
Years of Service: 1991-2015
BA, East Texas State University; MALS, Texas Woman’s University

T. Walter Herbert
Professor Emeritus of English
Years of Service: 1975-2006
BA, Harvard University; MDiv, Union Theological Seminary; PhD, Princeton University

Frederick Hilgeman
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Years of Service: 1967-2006
BA, Central College; PhD, Tulane University

Dan Hilliard
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Years of Service: 1974-2008
BA, Rice University; MA, PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Phil Hopkins
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Years of Service: 1998-2022
;BA, Stephen F. Austin State University; MA, St. John’s College; PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Robert Horick
Associate Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Computer Science and Russian
Years of Service: 1983-1999
BA, University of Rochester; MS, Purdue University; PhD, University of Chicago

Jim Hunt
Provost Emeritus; Professor Emeritus of Education
Years of Service: 1988-2015
BSEd, Central Methodist College; MEd, EdD, Northwestern State University of Louisiana

Sharon Johnson
Associate Professor Emeritus of Education
Years of Service: 1977-2011
BA, University of Oklahoma; MEd, EdD, Texas Tech University

Kathleen Juhl
Professor Emeritus of Theatre
Years of Service: 1987- 2020
BA, Iowa State University; MA, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champagne; MFA, University of North Carolina - Greensboro;  PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Edward Kain
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Years of Service: 1986-2015
BA, Alma College; Phd

Edwin Lansford, Jr
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry
Years of Service: 1962-1993
BA, Rice University; BA, University of California; MA, PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Stephen Marble
Associate Professor Emeritus of Education
ears of Service: 2006-2021
BJ, BA, University of Texas - Austin; MA, University of Hawaii; PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Thomas McClendon
Professor Emeritus of History
Years of Service:1998-2016
BA, Pomona College; JD, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California; MA, PhD, Stanford University

Helene Meyers
Professor Emerita of English
Years of Service: 1991-2020
BA, Pennsylvania State University; MA, University of Florida; PhD, Indiana University

Jacqueline Muir-Broaddus
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Education
Years of Service: 1990-2015
BA, MA, University of Guelph, Canada; PhD, Florida Atlantic University

Glada Munt
Professor Emeritus of Exercise and Sports Studies
Years of Service: 1975-2020
BS, Trinity University; MS, Baylor University; PhD, University of North Texas

Sandi Nenga
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Years of Service: 2004-2022
BA, Simon’s Rock College of Bard; MA, San Francisco State University; PhD, Indiana University

Gwen Kennedy Neville
Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Anthropology
Years of Service: 1979-1998
BA, Mary Baldwin College; MA, PhD, University of Florida

Mary Grace Neville
Associate Professor Emeritus of Business
Years of Service: 2003-2014
BS, Northwestern University; MBA, Wharton School of Business - University of Pennsylvania; PhD, Case Western University

Emily Northrop
Professor Emerita of Economics
Years of Service: 1994-2019
AB, MA, The University of Alabama; PhD, University of Texas - Austin

William O’Brien
Associate Professor Emeritus of Physics
Years of Service: 1986-2014
BS, University of North Texas; PhD, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.                                        obrien@southwestern.edu

Benjamin Oliver
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Years of Service: 1977-
BA, University of Texas - Austin; MDiv, Union Theological Seminary; MA, PhD, Northwestern University

Timothy O’Neill
Professor Emeritus of Political Science
Years of Service: 1987-2018
BA, Claremont McKenna College; MA, PhD, University of California - Berkeley

Barbara Owens
Associate Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
Years of Service: 1999-2012
BA, Ohio Wesleyan University; MA, University of Texas - Austin; PhD, New York University

Lois Parker
Associate Professor Emeritus of English
Years of Service:1996/1970-1986
BS, MA, Sul Ross State College; Graduate Study Oklahoma State University and University of Arizona
PhD, Southern Illinois University

Don Parks
Associate Professor Emeritus of Business
Years of Service: 1994-2010
BBA, Texas A&M University; MS, University of Northern Colorado; PhD, Texas A&M University

Ellsworth Peterson
Professor Emeritus of Music
Years of Service: 1965-2002
BM, Southwestern University; SMM, Union Theological Seminary; MA, PhD, Harvard University

Elisabeth Piedmont-Marton
Associate Professor Emeritus of English
Years of Service: 1999-2018
BA, Kenyon College; MA, University of Chicago; PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Gulnar Rawji
Associate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Years of Service: 1985-2015
BS, Simmons College; PhD, Boston University

Gary Richter
Associate Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Years of Service: 1977-2019
BA, University of Texas - Austin; MS, University of Houston; PhD, University of Texas - Austin  

Kenneth Roberts
Professor Emeritus of Economics
Years of Service: 1981-2013
BA, University of Texas - Austin; MBA, Wharton School of Finance - University of Pennsylvania
PhD, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Robert Roeder
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Years of Service: 1983-2003
BS, MS, McMaster University, Canada; PhD, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

Richard Roemer
Professor Emeritus of Theatre
Years of Service: 2000-2015
BA, University of California - Santa Barbara; MA, PhD, University of California - Los Angeles

Jake Schrum
President Emeritus of the University
Years of Service: 2000-2013
BA, Southwestern University; MDiv, Yale University Divinity School

Fred Sellers
Associate Professor Emeritus of Business
Years of Service: 1987-2014
BA, Yale University; MBA, PhD, University of Kansas                            

A. J. Senchack, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Business
Years of Service: 1998-2014
BS, MBA, Texas Tech University; PhD, University of California - Los Angeles

Rebecca Sheller
Associate Professor Emeritus of Biology
Years of Service: 1994-2015
BS, Southwestern University; PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Kenny Sheppard
Professor Emeritus of Music
Years of Service: 1984-2018
BM, Hardin-Simmons University; MMEd, PhD, Texas Tech University

Jimmy Smith
Professor Emeritus of Kinesiology
Years of Service: 1991-
A, MS, Baylor University; PhD, University of Texas - Austin

Farley Snell
Professor Emeritus of Religion and Philosophy and University Chaplain
Years of Service: 1972-1999
B, Florida Southern College; MDiv, PhD, Union Theological Seminary

Robert Soulen
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Years of Service: 1964-1996
BA, Baker University; PhD, Kansas State University

Linda Southwick
Assistant Professor Emeritus of Biology and Laboratory Manager in Biology
Years of Service: 1995-2014
BA, Austin College; MT, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital; MS, University of Texas - Tyler

Kathryn Stallard
Associate Professor Emeritus of Special Collections and Archives
Years of Service: 1992-2015
AB, University of Illinois - Chicago; MA, MLS, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Victoria Star Varner
Professor Emeritus of Art
Years of Service: 1983-2015
SEd, MA, University of Missouri, MFA, Indiana University

Patrick Veerkamp
Professor Emeritus of Art
Years of Service: 1983-2015
BA, Adams State College; MA, University of Denver; MFA, Colorado State University

Vicente Villa
Professor Emeritus of Biology
Years of Service: 1985-2003
BA, University of Texas - Austin; PhD, Rice University

Mary Visser
Professor Emeritus of Art
Years of Service: 1979-2022
BAE, MFA, Ohio State University

Mary E. Young
Professor Emeritus of Economics
Years of Service: 1990-2011
BA, Beloit College; MPA, PhD, University of Texas - Austin