Southwestern University

University Leadership


Office of the President

Office of the President

President Laura E. Skandera Trombley 

Laura E. Skandera Trombley began her tenure as the 16th president of Southwestern University on July 1, 2020. Dr. Trombley, a preeminent Mark Twain scholar, is the former president of the University of Bridgeport and president emerita of Pitzer College.

Chief Administrative Officers

Also known as Senior Staff, Southwestern’s Chief Administrative Officers are comprised of the leadership of each administrative division (Student Life, University Relations, Enrollment Services, Information Services, Finance & Administration) as well as the Provost.

Board of Trustees

Southwestern University’s Board of Trustees has the responsibility for the system of governance, academic life, student life, and the fiscal affairs of the University. They act as the policy making body of the University and through its own actions regulate to make its policies effective. The President then acts to administer and implement the policies adopted by the Board of Trustees.