
Paideia Seminar

The Paideia Seminar fosters students’ abilities to integrate learning by addressing real-world problems sufficiently broad to require multiple areas of knowledge and multiple modes of inquiry, offering multiple solutions and benefiting from multiple perspectives. Through integrative learning, students pull together their entire experience inside and outside of the formal classroom; thus, artificial barriers between formal study and informal or tacit learning become permeable. Integrative learning, whatever the context or source, builds upon connecting both theory and practice toward a deepened understanding.

Integrative learning also involves internal changes in the learner. These internal changes, which indicate growth as a confident, lifelong learner, include the ability

  • to adapt one’s intellectual skills
  • to contribute in a wide variety of situations
  • to understand and develop individual purpose, values and ethics.  

The key in the development of such work samples or collections of work will be in designing structures that include artifacts and reflective writing or feedback that support students’ examination of their learning and give evidence that, as graduates, they will extend their integrative abilities into the challenges of personal, professional, and civic life.

Previously Taught Paideia Seminars

Fall 2022

Spring 2023

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