Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2022

At Southwestern, we are committed to providing valuable leadership opportunities and cocurric- ular experiences focused on thinking, creating, and connecting. Ultimately, we are preparing our students for intellectual, personal, andprofessional success in the 21st century. On pages 36–38, you can read about the recent transition of the Center for Career & Professional Development to the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations within the Office of University Relations and how this move will help students build valuable connectionswith Southwestern’s extensive network of alumni, parents, and friends. We also are improving accessibility and affordability through our new scholarship plan (page 8) and creating more opportunities for high-impact experiences through an endowment matching initiative (page 10). Southwestern is first and foremost a commu- nity. All of us—students, faculty, staff, alumni, families, and friends—work together to ensurewe provide a transformational, residential liberal arts educationalexperience.Oneofmygreatestpleasures as president of this great University is recognizing and celebrating the many achievements of our communitymembers. In this issue, we’ve launched anewcolumnthathighlightsrecentsuccessesofour students, faculty, andstaff. “NotableAchievements” appears on pages 13–15. Each year we honor 18 young alumni who have already demonstrated significant leadership and dedication to their professions and/or their communities. You can read about this year’s honorees on pages 23–26. And on pages 28–31, we shine the spotlight on four members of the class of 2022 who I have no doubt will go on to achieve great things. Whilemany colleges and universities are strug- gling to attract students right now, Southwestern has received a record-breaking number of applica- tions for the 2022–2023 academic year.We already have 16.6%more applications for admission than we did in 2021, with more than 5,100 applicants competing for 400 first-year spots next fall. I am excited about the road we are on and the direction we are going, and I invite you to join me on this journey toward a brighter, better future. Best regards, Laura Skandera Trombley President Legacy Visit Day at Southwestern features separate tracks for high school freshmen/sophomores and juniors/seniors. They will learn which high school courses will benefit them the most in the college selection process, how to write the perfect essay, what they should consider when selecting a college, and more. Sessions will be geared to their personal goals and academic aspirations. Legacy Visit Day is Monday, June 13, 2022, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and lunch is included. Visit for details. Now your Pirate legacy (child, grandchild, or sibling) high school student can hear from the experts about how to find and select the college that is just right for them. Legacy Visit Day MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2022