Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2022

by Leslie Asher Bl air THE CENTER FOR CAREER & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HARNESSES THE POWER OF SOUTHWESTERN’S NETWORK TO HELP STUDENTS NAVIGATE THE WORLD OF WORK Bu i l d i ng Connections, Advanci ng Careers IN A MOVE THATMANY in higher education would find surprising, Southwestern University has moved its Center for Career & Professional Development (CCPD) to the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations within the Office of University Relations. While most universities house career services in their student services or student affairs divisions, Southwestern administrators recognized that the school’s size and active, dedicated alumni, parent, and donor base made such a move not only possible, but also highly beneficial for students. “We graduate 400 students each year but have approximately 16,000 alumni,” says Vice President for University Relations Paul Secord. “The numbers work in our favor. We will now be able to provide an all-encompassing, fully engaging experience to advance each graduating class in their career readiness.” The move ties into the vision of President Laura Skandera Trombley and the Board of Trustees as outlined in the 2021–2026 Tactical Plan: to distinguish Southwestern as a top liberal arts university in the nation. The Tactical Plan includes creating a more robust student training and employment program and increasing alumni involvement and inclusion efforts among its many ambitious priorities. “The primary reason for moving into University Relations fits our expectation and commitment that our alumni will be the first point of career contact for fellow alumni and students,” Secord says. Alexandra Anderson, senior associate director of the CCPD, calls the Southwestern alumni a “tight-knit bunch” dedicated to making sure Southwestern grads get off on the right foot career-wise. “Alumni understand the Southwestern Experience , so they are more likely to trust new grads' potential,” Anderson says. “They are more willing to take a risk on fellow Pirates even though new grads don't have a proven track record in the world of work.” LEFT: The CCPD regularly hosts Career Treks in which students visit workplaces to learn about potential career paths. In February, students toured Firehouse Animal Health Center in Leander, Texas. RIGHT: Senior Associate Director of the CCPD Alexandra Anderson and students spoke with Medical Director Adriana Mendoza after the tour. 36 SOUTHWESTERN