Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2022

ERICA BURLEY ’22 Major: Psychology Minor: Health studies Hometown: Lubbock, Texas Why did you decide to attend Southwestern? I decided to attend Southwestern because I loved the small campus feel. I wanted to build one-on-one relationships with my professors—which the smaller class sizes would allow for—and have better opportunities to create connections across campus. How did you become interested in your field of study? I came into Southwestern with the intent to be a political science major, but after taking Principles of Psychology I became enamored with the field of psychology. The class gives you a taste of what you could experience by taking other specialty classes in psychology and left me wanting more information. What’s your favorite spot on campus? My favorite spot on campus is the chapel. I love the amazing stained glass windows and the peaceful feeling. What classes, student organizations, or other experiences have impacted you the most? The classes that have impacted me most have been my research methods class taught by Dr. Traci Giuliano, my capstone class taught by Dr. Carin Perilloux, and Abnormal Psychology taught by Dr. Bryan Neighbors. All three classes were incredibly difficult, but I found that I grew as a student, a researcher, and a writer in them. The student organization that has impacted me most would definitely have to be my sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, where I got the opportunity to be a leader and to gain sisters across campus and the nation. An experience that has been fruitful for me was working as a Mosaic Ambassador for the last year and a half. Getting to connect with students on campus, my coworkers, and my amazing supervisor Lisa Dela Cruz has allowed me to grow into more of a leader on campus. Who are your mentors on campus and why? My psychology mentors are Dr. Perilloux and Dr. Giuliano, who have guided me through the field of psychology and research, were the faculty members I could turn to when I needed help with graduate school, and are just amazing professors who have taught me so much. Some of my other mentors are Lisa Dela Cruz, who is my go-to person when I need advice or comfort, and Nadia Mahannah, who took me on as her second daughter on campus and is the best cheerleader I ever could have asked for. Looking back at your time at Southwestern, what accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of the lifelong friends I have made, being a leader and president of Alpha Xi Delta sorority, and the graduate-level research I have conducted and presented and am hoping to have published in a psychological journal soon. What is your favorite Southwestern memory (so far)? My favorite Southwestern memory has to be the final day of sorority recruitment in 2020, when my sisters and I were tired but so excited to meet our new member class. I had never felt so connected to a group of people as I did in that moment. What are your plans following graduation and beyond? My plan after graduation is to attend graduate school and obtain a Ph.D. in school psychology in order to eventually work in a school system as a psychologist. Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A 31 SOUTHWESTERN