Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2022

Why did you decide to attend Southwestern? I decided to attend Southwestern because I saw how close the swim team was. I also really liked the small-school atmosphere. Coming from a small town and a small high school, it reminded me of home back in Florida. I was also very interested in the health programs they have at Southwestern. How did you become interested in your field of study? I’ve always liked helping people and I’m good with my hands, so the idea of a health field just came naturally to me. Also, in my church, dentistry is one of the most common jobs, so I knew I would be able to find a community that cares about me. What’s your favorite spot on campus? My favorite spot on campus is the top floor of the library because it’s so secluded and I can go there for hours to study. During freshman year, we had to study in the library for a certain number of hours a week for swim. I found the top floor pretty quickly, and now I just really enjoy being up there. What classes, student organizations, or other experiences have impacted you the most? Swimming has affected me the most because it’s such a huge part of my life. My favorite class was Animal Behavior with Dr. Romi Burks. It was such an interesting class, and there were many hands-on activities that helped keep me invested. Who are your mentors on campus and why? I’ve always had a lot of respect for my swim coach, Jon Duncan, because he had to keep all of us in line. In addition, many people have helped me on my way, including Dr. Burks and Dr. Maria Cuevas. Looking back at your time at Southwestern, what accomplishment are you most proud of? Once I graduate, my biggest accomplishments will be completing my degree and graduating as a four-year varsity athlete. Also, I'm not sure if this would be considered an accomplishment, but during college I found my love for climbing, and that has given me some new goals to work toward in the future. What is your favorite Southwestern memory (so far)? My favorite memory was winning the SCAC conference championship freshman year. That season was such a great introduction to college swimming, and even though I wasn't scoring points for the team, I still felt the accomplishment of winning. A close second would be our winter training trips to Florida. We took a week and traveled to Florida for swim during my freshman and sophomore years, and it was always a blast. What are your plans following graduation and beyond? I will be taking a gap year while working and shadowing dentists. After graduating from dental school and starting my career, I’d like to train to climb El Cap in Yosemite. It's going to be a long road, starting with getting into dental school, but I'm hopeful for the future. MAKARIUS ATTIA ’22 Major: Biology Minor: Art Hometown: Jonestown, Texas/New Smyrna Beach, Florida Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A 29 SOUTHWESTERN