Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2022

Assistant Professor of English Rebecca Evans and Southwestern students Coleen Roche ’22 and Elena Welsh ’23 presented a paper titled “Public Humanities Pedagogy for the Present” on the panel “Social Media and the Public Sphere” at the annual conference of the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present. The paper detailed the methods and findings of the team’s summer 2021 faculty-student research project and reflected on how the project changed their perspectives on collaborative humanities research and public-facing literary scholarship. Assistant Professor of Sociology Erika Grajeda published an article titled “Worker Centres and Coming Out Politics in Migrant Struggles” in the journal Citizenship Studies . Professor of Psychology Fay Guarraci was recently awarded the American Psychological Foundations 2021 Division 1–Society for General Psychology Mary Whiton Calkins Grant. The grant will support research on the development of an animal model of puberty delay and gender-affirming hormone treatment to better understand the long-term outcomes of puberty suppres- sion and adult hormone treatment in the context of gender tran- sition. Mary Whiton Calkins was the first woman to preside as president of the American Psychological Association in 1905. Associate Professor of History Jethro Hernández Berrones published the chapter “Mystic of Medicine, Modern Curandero, and ‘Médico Improvisado’: Francisco I. Madero and the Practice of Homeopathy in Rural Mexico at the Turn of the 20th Century” in the volume The Gray Zones of Medicine: Healers and History in Latin America , edited by Diego Armus and Pablo F. Gómez (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021). Through biographies of marginalized historical actors, the volume demonstrates the power of challenging traditional analytical dichotomies in the history of health and disease to illuminate the nuances and intricacies of Latin America’s medical past. Associate Professor of History Jessica S. Hower co-organized two panels for the Northeast Conference on British Studies Annual Conference, held virtually October 22–23. For the first panel, “Queen Mary I and Lady Jane Grey: Contemporary Perspectives and Representations,” she presented a paper titled “‘Most Rightful Enheritoure of the Crowne Imperial of England’: Mary I, Lady Jane Grey, and the Power of Historical Precedent.” For the second, “Queen Mary I and Lady Jane Grey: Posthumous Perspectives and Representations,” she served as chair. Both panels came out of a new collection of 10 original essays Hower is coediting with Valerie Schutte on mid-Tudor queenship, currently under contract with Palgrave Macmillan and slated for publication in late 2022 or early 2023. Southwestern University was well represented at the 11th Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference, held October 20–23 in Baltimore, Maryland. The SU Racial History Project presented a panel featuring research from both 2020 and 2021 SCOPE projects. The panel included Professor of Anthropology Melissa Johnson , Kristine Velez ’22 (anthropology), Saul Zuniga ’22 (history), Juan Mojica ’22 (anthropology), and Rini Mannankara ’22 (political science and anthropology). Professor of Education Michael Kamen wrote the foreword in Searching for the Ideal School around the World: School Tourism and Performative Autoethnographic-We by Alys Mendus (Brill, 2021). Assistant Professor of Business Raji Kunapuli ’s co-authored paper titled “Seeking Input When the Train Has Left the Station: The Decoupling of Participative Strategic Decision- Making Processes and the Role of New Technology in Symbolic Management” was published in the journal Strategic Organization . Professor of Sociology and Morenz Endowed Professor Maria Lowe has been invited to serve a three-year term on the American Sociological Association’s Honors Program Advisory Panel (2022–2024) and a one-year term on the Southern Sociological Society’s Program Committee (2022). Assistant Professor of Chemistry Sara Massey co-authored an article titled “Redox Conditions Correlated with Vibronic Coupling Modulate Quantum Beats in Photosynthetic Pigment-Protein Complexes” that was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . The paper was co-authored with scien- tists at the University of Chicago and Washington University in St. Louis. Associate Professor of French Francis Mathieu published a peer-reviewed article titled “An All-Divine Love: Conjugal Love Versus Romantic Love in Lafayette’s Princesse de Clèves” in the interdisciplinary French literature journal Cahiers du Dix-septième . Assistant Professor of Communication Studies Raquel Moreira won the 2021 Bonnie Ritter Outstanding Feminist Book Award from the National Communication Association’s Feminist and Gender Studies Division for her book Bitches Unleashed: Performance and Embodied Politics in Favela Funk (Peter Lang, 2021). Professor of Chemistry Emily Niemeyer and Associate Professor of Chemistry Mike Gesinski published a chapter in the book Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Strategies for Teaching (University of Cincinnati Press, 2021). In their chapter, titled “Active Learning Pedagogies in the Introductory and Organic Chemistry Curriculum: Increasing Student Persistence and Success,” Niemeyer and Gesinski chronicle the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department’s move to active learning pedago- gies and the effect these changes have had on improving reten- tion of students from underrepresented groups in STEM fields. 14 SOUTHWESTERN