Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2021

Shannon Odell , Port Aransas, TX, Kate Davis , El Paso, TX, Wes Clemons , Purdon, TX, Beth Henneman , Austin, TX, Maryam Ali ’19, Chantal Gonzalez ’19 , and Devon Lucero ’19 coauthored two articles accepted for publi- cation papers in the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior with Professor of Psychology Fay Guarraci. These two papers reflect a collaboration between the Guarraci Lab and Sarah Meerts and her students from Carleton College. The first article is titled “I. Antidepressants and Sexual Behavior: Weekly Ketamine Injections Increases Sexual Behavior Initially in Female and Male Rats”; this work was supported by multiple SCOPE awards and a Sam Taylor Award. The second article is titled “II: Antidepressants and Sexual Behavior: Acute Fluoxetine, but Not Ketamine, Disrupts Paced Mating Behavior in Sexually Experienced Female Rats.” Jordan Smith , Austin, TX, and Professor of Mathematics Kendall Richards coauthored the article “A Concavity Property of Generalized Complete Elliptic Integrals,” which has been accepted for publication in the journal Integral Transforms and Special Functions . This collab- oration began in an independent study. This fall, Smith began his graduate studies in math- ematics at Baylor University. Elijah Timms , Georgetown, TX, received a job at Marsh through the SU Center for Career & Professional Development. Lizzeth Cepeda Lozano , McAllen, TX, and Professor of Spanish Katy Ross had their article “Un Viaje Fantástico: La Adopción China en El Alfabeto de los Pájaros de Nuria Barrios” accepted for publication in the Journal ConSecuencias . The article started as a summer faculty–student research project and continued as a semester-long independent study that culminated in this publication. Ross and Lozano examine the adoption of Chinese babies by Spanish families as depicted in the novel El Alfabeto de los Pájaros by Nuria Barrios. Derrica McDowell , Frisco, TX, and Professor of Chemistry Emily Niemeyer published a chapter titled “Factors Influencing the Production of Phenolic Compounds within Basil ( Ocimum basilicum L. )” in the forthcoming book Ocimum: An Overview . In the chapter, the authors discuss the phenolic compounds found within basil and their associated health benefits, explain various strategies to increase phytochemical levels in basil, and offer conclu- sions about methods that can be used to maximize basil phenolic content. Research for the chapter was supported by the Herbert and Kate Dishman fund at Southwestern University. Mitch Middleton , Austin, TX, see Michael Middleton ’85. Bailey Leadbetter Noe , Georgetown, TX, passed the registered behavior technician (RBT) exam that was set by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board and became an RBT. Diana Trevino , Houston TX, and Associate Professor of Business Hazel Nguyen presented their research titled “They’ve Figured It out! Gender Differences in Executive Language Styles through Shareholders’ Letters” at the virtual Financial Management Association Annual Meeting on October 23. The presen- tation was based on work conducted as part of SCOPE 2019. Kate Davis , El Paso, TX, and Hannah Hanson ’22 conducted a SCOPE project under the supervision of Professor of Psychology Fay Guarraci, which was recently published in Physiology & Behavior . This collaboration also involved Jessica Bolton ’10 , who will soon begin a tenure-track position at Georgia State University. Davis, a current graduate student in the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Texas at Austin, designed the project, and together, the team found that using an animal model of poverty caused long-term deleterious effects on reproduc- tive physiology and behavior. See Shannon Odell ’20. Kathryn Davis , Austin, TX, started graduate studies in forensic veterinary medicine. Beth Henneman , Austin, TX, see Shannon Odell ’20. Catherine Justus , Grapevine, TX, is attending graduate school at Marymount University working toward a master’s in forensic and legal psychology with an emphasis in intel- ligence studies. 2020 4 8 | SOUTHWE S T E RN