Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2021

1981 Dikoma Shungu , New York, NY, was named fellow of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and distinguished investigator of the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research. 1980 Rebecca Burkhardt , Santa Fe, NM, now professor emeritus, retired from the University of Northern Iowa School of Music after 31 years of service as director of orchestral activ- ities. She now resides in Santa Fe and hopes to continue as a guest conductor for years to come. 1978 Cathy Jones Smith , Knoxville, TN, retired in 2018 after 32 years of teaching kindergarten in public schools. 1982 Barry Barrios , Katy, TX, celebrated 30 years as the director of music and worship arts at Katy First United Methodist Church on September 1, 2020. MARRIAGE: Bart Shaw to Christy Kolbye, Fort Worth, TX, on January 8, 2020, in Puerto Rico. 1977 1975 Susan Bowman , Weiden in der Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany, retired from federal civil service in the Office of General Counsel, U.S. Department of Defense, on July 13, 2020, after serving more than 40 years within the department in a variety of roles. Her service included active duty in the Air Force and retirement from the Air Force Reserves as a judge advocate in the rank of colonel. 1976 James Burkholder , Harlingen, TX, retired from practicing dentistry and began painting again, having opened an online art gallery, RockArtsCity Gallery. His shows consist of his paintings along with photographs he’s taken at rock concerts over the years. His specialty is wildlife and landscapes that document where he has traveled. He is also an active member in the classic rock band The Retro Rockers. David Paul , Fayetteville, AR, retired on August 1, 2020, after 40 years of service with the University of Arkansas in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry as an associate professor of analytical chemistry. Steve Cotton , Addison, TX, was selected as a 2020 Five Star Wealth Manager in Texas for the ninth year in a row (2012–2020) by the national organization Five Star Professional. The award was announced in the August edition of Texas Monthly and “is based on a rigorous, multifaceted research methodology, which incorporates input from peers and firm leaders” and “is based on 10 objective criteria.” Only a very small number of Dallas-area wealth managers receive this award each year. Luther Creed Pettigrew , Lexington, KY, received a commendation for 30 years of service at the Lexington Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Care System (HCS). Pettigrew is the chief of the neurology service at Lexington VA HCS and is appointed as a tenured professor of neurology in the College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky. Phyllis Meagher Rosen , Killeen, TX, retired after 44 years in the education field as a campus principal and district liaison for home- less and foster care from Killeen Independent School District on June 16, 2020. 4 0 | SOUTHWE S T E RN