Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2021

Graduation was a day full of promise. Nothing seemed impossible. Armed with your degree, you set out to make a difference to make the world better. And you did. But what now? How can you create even more impact at this point in your life? With a smart, tax-wise, customized estate plan that maximizes benefits to you, your family, and Southwestern. Since its founding in 1840, Southwestern University has educated generations of leaders who have transformed our state, nation, and the world. The students in the graduating class of 2021 will be the next. The experiences students have at SU—both inside and outside the classroom—prepare them for success in their careers and for meaningful lives of service and engagement. And the philanthropy of our alum- ni and friends plays a crucial role in shaping the academic and cocurricular opportunities students have today and in the future. You, too, can leave behind gifts of lasting impact. There are many planned giving options that allow you to tailor a gift to your unique needs and interests while ultimately benefiting Southwestern University. Whether through your will, trust, retirement plan, donor advised fund, insurance, or other plan, you can make a difference in the lives of Southwestern students. For more information, contact April Hampton Perez ’89, senior director of development, planned giving, at 512.863.1485 or To download our free personal estate planning kit, visit . Remember When You Set out to Change the World? You Still Can.