Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2021

SOUTHWE S T E RN | 35 As a liberal-arts institution dedicated to engagingminds and transforming lives, Southwestern is committed to providing its students with the tools they need to succeed. Here are a few upcoming projects the university is implementing to meet that commitment. ADVISING AND RETENTION From coping with homesickness to dealing with the increased academic rigor of coursework, there are many reasons why students often struggle when transitioning from high school to college. In fact, about 30% of first- year students nationwide drop out of college before their sophomore year. Southwestern is launching an ambitious new advising and retention initiative to help new students successfully adjust to life as a Pirate. The Office of Advising and Retention is hiring six professional academic advisors who will work solely with first-year students as they begin their college careers. These advisors will help students understand campus policies and procedures, connect with useful resources, explore potential majors and minors, and set academic goals. Ultimately, this new initiative will increase student success and lead to higher retention and graduation rates. INCREASED OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGH-IMPACT EXPERIENCES At Southwestern, learning involves much more than books and lectures. Through high-impact experiences like community-engaged learning, internships, study abroad, and undergraduate research, students gain the real-world experience they need before entering graduate school or the workplace. They also develop career-readiness skills, such as the ability to identify critical issues quickly and accurately, formulate relevant questions, and consider a problem from multiple viewpoints. While such immersive opportunities are invaluable—research has shown that internships in particular are crucial to finding employment after graduation—they aren’t always feasible for students who rely on income from part-time or summer jobs to pay their expenses. Southwestern aims to invest in opportunities for high-impact experiences by offering funding that will allowmore students to participate. In doing so, the university will better prepare students for personal and professional success. GROWTH OF THE SU EMERGENCY FUND Over the years, the SU Emergency Fund has supported hundreds of students who have been negatively affected by circumstances beyond their control. This fund was established to provide emergency assistance to students for expenses such as housing, food, medical care, travel, and technology. In recent months, it has been neededmore than ever before. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many Southwestern students have experi- enced unexpected financial hardships. Some students have had their hours at work reduced or lost their jobs altogether; others have struggled to acquire the technology needed for remote learning. In response to the ongoing crisis and in preparation for future emergencies, Southwesternaimstoraisefundstoensurethattheprogram can continue its critical role. Through contributions fromgenerous alumni, parents, and friends, the university will be able to continue to support students in need. R ENOVATION OF MOOD–BRIDWELL HALL Mood–BridwellHallhasarichandstoriedhistory.Originally named Mood Hall in honor of Francis Asbury Mood, the university’s first president, the building was erected in 1908. It has served as amen’s residence hall and a women’s residence hall and housed a U.S. Navy college training program during World War II. In 1975, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places. The building was substantially renovated just a few years later with grants from the J. S. Bridwell Foundation of Wichita Falls, Texas, and the J. E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and renamed Mood–Bridwell Hall. Southwestern is ready to update the 113-year-old campus treasure once again. In the coming years, the building will be reconfigured and modernized to better meet the needs of a 21st-century learning environment. TODAY’S PROJECTS, TOMORROW’S PROGRESS STORY BY DEBBIE RITENOUR Southwestern launches new initiatives to support students and enhance learning.