Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2020

Shortly after defeating Trinity, Cardone was nameddefensive tournamentMVPwith15 saves, 210 minutes played, and 0 goals allowed. Junior forwardMayaFuller, whohad the game-winning goal in overtime of the semifinal victory over Centenary, was named offensiveMVP. Hamilton began her tenure at Southwestern recruiting the senior class. For four seasons, the classhas beenan integral part of the team, which has left theirmarkandmadeprogramhistory. “It always takes acourageous group towant tobe the first,”Hamilton shares. “[This squad] took a leap of faith with my staff as much as we took a leap of faithwith them.” "It always takes a courageous group to want to be the first." 9 SOUTHWESTERN The Pirates pose for a photo as they celebrate their championship. LEFT:AnSCACrepresentativepresentsMaryCardone ’20,seniorgoalkeeper,withthe2019Women’sSoccerElite19award.RIGHT: Intheirfinalconferencegame,thePirateswin ina second overtime against the Centenary Ladies.