Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2020

7 SOUTHWESTERN JIMZALLESCROXFORD ’83 never imagined his bachelor’s degree in history would get him to where he is now: in the British Isles at the helm of Mayflower 400, a series of events that commemorates a historic voyage and is connecting millions of people across the world. The year 2020marks the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower ’s sailing from Europe to America. Events inHolland, NewEngland, andGreat Britain are reflecting on that trans-Atlantic crossing and engaging people in communal remembrances throughmusic, art, lectures, sporting events, and festivals. Croxford is a freelance project manager coordinating the Mayf lower 400 events in Southampton, U.K. He finds this role a perfect fit as an American, a history buff, and an organizer of cultural arts experiences. “This anniversary is a messy and exciting opportunity,” he shares. One challenge of coordinating the international program of events is grappling with the complex history embedded in colonial expansion. “This is intentionally a commemoration, not a celebration,” says Croxford. For example, the events will include the Wampanoag people ofMassachusetts, who played a crucial role in the survival of the Mayflower passengers. Wampum belts are their historical records in art form, and artisans of the Mashpee and Aquinnah nations are crafting a special Mayflower 400 wampum. It will be featured in a traveling exhibit, Stories and Shells , along with historic belts from the British Museum collection. A cultural exchange will bring Wampanoag artists to the museum to help interpret one of the largest collections of wampum belts in the world. The SU alumnus also points out the enduring positive influence of the Mayflower Compact, CONTINUED ON PAGE 38 A L U M N I S P O T L I G H T At the Helm Jim Zalles Croxford ’83 coordinates an international series of events commemorating the sailing of the Mayflower . by KimKobersmith Goldsmith ’ 93