Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2020

Illustrations by Robert Lin SherryEAdrian Associate Professor of Education How long have you been working in higher education? I’ve been teaching in higher education for 32 years—5 years at Austin Community College as an adjunct and 27 years at Southwestern. What inspired you to pursue a career inhigher education? Originally, I thought I might go into special-education administration, but a teaching assistantship in graduate school and adjunct work helped me choose higher education. The primary factor was my enjoyment of teaching and my relationships with college students. During your years at Southwestern, how has the University changed but also stayed the same? My first visit to Southwestern was in 1971 as a 10th-grader in high school. I came to visit a friend and stayed in a residence hall that no longer exits. The campus has changed with the demolition and development of buildings. Of course, technology has changed howwe teach and learn inmanyways. The curriculum has changed, though our commitment to the liberal arts has remained.Many faculty and staffhave come and gone; I amthe only facultymember remaining inmydepartment fromwhen I began at Southwestern. Two things have remained the same forme. First, I have always had the academic freedom to develop my courses as I’ve chosen. I appreciate that tremendously. Second, the students continue to be the best part of Southwestern. I am so grateful for the opportunity to teach and learn with interesting people who make me laugh, question ideas, and help me to keep learning. I believe that I have a better understanding of the world around me through my relationships with my students. What is something your students or colleagues would be surprised to know about you? I makemyself do things that I’mafraid to do, and I really enjoy alone time. I wouldmuch rather have an intimate dinner with someone than go to any party—ever! When not working, you can findme… hanging out with grandkids (five of them between the ages of 18 months and 14 years), reading and listening to books and podcasts, and quilting. I hope to travel again once I retire. If you could have a drink at the Cove with anyone in the world, living or dead, whowould the person be, andwhy? The “who”might seemodd. I’d like tomeet the girl I started out becoming beforemy accident at 11 years old. I look at pictures andwonderwhat shewouldhave been likewithout the dramatic change. I don’t want to be her, but I would like tomeet her. She used to drink Kool-Aid, but today, we’d have water or a soda. Describe your dream vacation. The qualities of a dream vacation to me are having sustained time—at least threeweeks, spending time outdoors, beingwith people I enjoy, and eating in restaurants that are unique to the locale. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be? I choose the superpower of invisibility. I could suss out truths and get in and out of places unnoticed. Bring on the invisibility cloak! What advice would you give students today? (1) Know the why behind what you believe. (2) Education is a privilege. So many still do not have the opportunity to go to school, much less college. Don’t waste it. (3) Be trustworthy. This isn’t about covering for your friends or keeping secrets. Trustworthiness is when others know that they can count on you to be present and that you are authentic. (4) Giving—true giving—sometimes requires you do for otherswhen it isn’t easy for you. (5) You are not stuck with the decisions you’ve made. You can change. You don’t have to live into labels that you’ve been given. You can make amends, and you will be different in 50 years. T H E P R O F E S S O R C H R O N I C L E S 28 SOUTHWESTERN