Southwestern Magazine | Fall 2020

WELCOME TO FALL 2020! I am always eager to see students and experience that feeling of renewal and hope that accompanies the start of each academic year. It’s a time of optimism and excitement as students, faculty, and staff come together to explore and grow in a dynamic learning environment. After the trials, tribulations, and tragedies of last spring, I believe I can safely say we all needed to feel that sense of rejuvenation and reconnectionmore than ever as we commenced the fall term. As a joyous newcomer to the Southwestern community, I have immersed myself in the rich history, traditions, and bonds of this 180-year-old institution. While the University evolves and changes every day, we are bound by our singular and historic commitment to providing the very best liberal-arts education. Our core purpose is to foster “a liberal- arts community whose values and actions encourage contri- butions toward the well-being of humanity,” and at a time when the well-being of so much of humanity has been threatened by the ravages of a pandemic, I amproud to stand with this community in educating future leaders, doers, and thinkers. As I like saying to students, you are creating the world my grandchildren will inherit. Please, take care. The quadruple jolt of COVID-19, an economic downturn, social protest movements, and an especially rancorous presidential election season will have lingering impacts on all aspects of our lives. Our staff and faculty worked tirelessly to ensure our campus was ready for the safe return of our students. Our students have taken seriously their responsibilities for their health as well as the health of the entire community. The results have been remarkable and long lasting. Our campus community has not only embraced the challenges of the pandemic, but the resulting changes have also sped our move from analog to digital operations and touched every part of our campus. These shifts rapidly enhanced our institutional agility and better positioned us for the future. With guidance from our trustees, we have made the necessary corrections and preparations to weather the economic turbulence. And in typical Southwestern style, our faculty and students have used the 2020 election as an opportunity for learning and discourse. This issue of Southwestern has a new look and editorial purpose.Ourmagazineteamtookyourresponsestoourspring readership survey to heart. I think you will find that the new design draws you in and captures your attention through its beautiful photography and meaningful storytelling. We have expanded the ever-popular Class Notes section, and I encourage you to share your updates with your classmates in future editions. Please let us know what you think by emailing us at To all students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and friends, I want to say this: Your connections and commitment to Southwestern are enormously important and highly valued. We are grateful for your engagement, your support, your questions, and yes, your critiques. You demonstrate what is possible for our students and our community when we come together in common purpose. Best regards, President Laura E. Skandera Trombley RESILIENCE AND OPPORTUNITY Southwestern's 16th president reflects on how the University is transforming the challenges of 2020 into learning opportunities. SOUTHWE S T E RN | 5