Southwestern Magazine | Fall 2020

Jan Dawson Professor Emerita of History “ When I r e t i r ed f r om Southwestern in May 2004 and moved to New Mexico, I envisioned doing a lot o f h i k i ng and maybe occasionally teaching a class or two. Instead, I served the Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council H e a d S t a r t P r o g r am , managed a University of New Mex ico ex tension program in Espanola, and ended up as registrar at Nor thern New Mex ico College. Finally, in 2013, I really did retire and soon thereafter moved to Blaine, Washington, where I enjoy the water, the mountains, gardening, reading all the fiction I never had time to read, and my cats.” Farley Snell Former University Chaplain and Professor Emeritus of Religion and Philosophy “Ann and I have been living since 2008 in Asheville, North Carolina, where we miss old friends and have made many new ones. I have been teaching a variety of courses in the history of religious thought at the College for Seniors/Osher Lifelong Learning Institute on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Asheville regularly since 2009. I have even taught a version of the old Chicago course, which I developed with Dan Hilliard and Martha Allen at Southwestern. Ann and I have done a good bit of traveling here and abroad, including regular trips to New York City.” SOUTHWE S T E RN | 3 3