Southwestern Magazine | Fall 2020

WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Cindy Locke Former Associate Vice President for Communications “During my 23 years in University Relations, I worked with passionate colleagues to convey the value of a liberal- arts education through Southwestern’s distinctive stories. Retirement has enabled new opportunities surrounding my interest in community volunteer work and travel, as well as more time with family and friends. The deeper commitment to philanthropy I gained at Southwestern now translates to supporting the increasing needs of the Georgetown community. I’ve found extraordinary fulfillment serving on the Georgetown Health Foundation Grants Committee and board of directors and chairing Seeds of Strength, a local women’s philanthropic organization. The grants made by these two organizations strengthen the collective missions of Georgetown nonprofits and empower a healthier community.” Ellsworth Peterson ’55, P’88 Professor Emeritus of Music “My life has changed considerably this year since Sue, my dear wife of 59 years, passed away in February. Although the pandemic caused us to cancel, or at least postpone, the 2020 Georgetown Festival of the Arts, of which I have been artistic director for the past 15 years, the situation has opened up other possibilities. For many years, I have hosted small groups on Sunday evenings at my house to hear and discuss the cantatas that Bachwrote for that particular day of the church year. When it was no longer appropriate to hold such gatherings, we began having Zoommeetings. As a result, people from all over the country have joined our group, including former Southwestern students and retired faculty, several of whom I have never personally met. During these confusing times, Bach’s music is a constant inspiration.” 3 2 | SOUTHWE S T E RN Faculty and staff of years past update us on their adventures since retiring from Southwestern.