Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2019

SPRING 2019 Departments 4 OPENING SHOT Spring Has Sprung 6 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT What We Carry (on) 7 EDITOR'S LETTER Minding the Curiosity Gap 8 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Alumni Council Moves into New Era 9 ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Brad Reynolds ’98 10 THE COMMONS 16 THE PROFESSOR CHRONICLES 18 ALUMNI 18 under 40 32 ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Shauna Davidson ’08 38 CLASS NOTES The Original Social Network 40 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARDS 42 PARENT RELATIONS Discovering Lizzie in London 45 IN MEMORIAM 46 ON THE SHELVES Summer Reads 50 THEN AND NOW Community Connections Contents 34 23 29 3 SOUTHWESTERN About the Cover Joshua K. Jackson is a London-based photographer best known for using a bold palette to help illustrate the vibrancy of life in central London while also exploring the themes of diversity and disparity. His work often enters into abstraction and presents the viewer with an unfamiliar view of a familiar city. At age 11, Jackson was diagnosed with dyslexia and, more specifically, with issues involving the rapid processing of numbers and symbols. He struggled at school but learned to circumnavigate reading and writing weaknesses by communicating visually. Jackson says photography gives him the “voice” he never had—it’s the only way he knows how to express his thoughts, feelings, and ideas. You can explore more of Jackson's work at and @joshkjack on Instagram. FINDING COMMON GROUND Southwestern alumni take the path to global citizenship. by Leah Fisher Nyfeler INNOCENTS ABROAD Humorous stories about studying abroad. by SamRao ’19 &Meilee Bridges INCREDIBLE JOURNEYS SU students, staff, and faculty learn—and grow—abroad. by Debbie Ritenour