Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2019

20 SOUTHWESTERN Marienfeld is currently an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD); medical director of the UCSD Addiction Recovery and Treatment Program; and program director for the UCSD Addiction Psychiatry Clinical Fellowship. After leaving Southwestern with a B.A. in chemistry, she graduated with honors from the Baylor College of Medicine and joined the Yale School of Medicine, where she founded the Yale Global Mental Health Program. “To this day, much of my academic career involves service on boards and committees, as well as in professional organizations,” says Marienfeld. “So much of my ability to succeed in these roles began to develop during my time at Southwestern.” CarlaMarienfeld ’01 | San Diego, CA During his time at Southwestern, Juarez majored in political science, minored in communication studies, and participated in a number of activities and internships—such as the Wind and Chamber Ensemble, Mock Trial, The Bobby Bones Show , and the state legislature. These opportunities allowed him to gain valuable research and writing skills while developing a passion for LGBT rights. Today, he is a Fisher Fellow and instructional leader at KIPP Texas Public Schools and is pursuing his Ph.D. in educational leadership and LGBT mental health. He appreciates Southwestern “because of its small class size, how specialized the professors are in their field of study, and the ability to explore different fields of study.” Juan Juarez ’11 | Austin, TX Matthews studied psychology and anthropology at Southwestern before earning her M.A. and Ph.D. at Claremont Graduate University, in California. She also served as a visiting fellow at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford, in the U.K. Today, as a senior behavioral and social scientist at the RAND Corporation, she helps improve policy- and decision-making by designing and leading research in the areas of political psychology, diversity, and multiculturalism. She looks back fondly on her classes with Professor Melissa Johnson, which, she says, were “mind-blowing”: “The readings and lessons encouraged me to think about the social world in ways I had never previously considered, and I loved it.” MiriamMatthews ’03 | Arlington, VA Upon graduation, Keltner left Southwestern with a B.A. in economics and a B.M. in cello performance. He says that the combination of these two seemingly disparate areas was “like having two eyes: It gives depth perception, something a unidirectional education simply can’t give you. I’m eternally grateful that Southwestern provided such an opportunity.” He went on to earn a master’s in cello performance from the University of Massachusetts and a J.D. from Vanderbilt University Law School. Keltner is currently an attorney at Sweetbaum Sands Anderson, PC, in Denver, Colorado, and is the cofounder and treasurer of Peace Notes International, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing music education internationally. Joshua T. Keltner ’04 | Littleton, CO A communication studies and art history double major with a minor in French, Matis is currently a senior educational consultant for world languages and a product development manager at Seidlitz Education. After graduating from Southwestern, she earned her M.A. in foreign-language education from the University of Texas at Austin. She has published two books, 7 Steps to a Language-Rich, Interactive, Foreign Language Classroom and Boosting Achievement: Reaching Students with Interrupted or Minimal Education . Matis now presents at conferences and trains educators across the state. Having studied abroad in both London and Budapest, Matis reflects, “Southwestern truly gives you the pathway to be a citizen of the world.” Anna FloraMatis ’06 | Houston, TX