Southwestern Magazine | Spring 2019

19 SOUTHWESTERN A policy studies and Spanish double major, Duran is currently a partner in mergers and acquisitions at Sidley Austin, LLP. After graduating from Southwestern, she earned her J.D., with honors, at the University of Texas School of Law. She has served as a fellow on the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity, as well as a member of the board of directors at both the Dallas Holocaust Museum Center and the Dallas Women’s Foundation. She is frequently cited in lists of best lawyers in the state. Duran appreciates “the totality” of her Southwestern Experience . “I benefited from the broad liberal-arts curriculum and the constant push to think critically about what we were learning,” she says. “I think I really learned how to learn while I was at Southwestern.” Sara Garcia Duran ’00 | Dallas, TX Josh T. Franco ’07 | Washington, DC Franco is a national collector for the Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian Institution. An art history major and English minor at Southwestern, he earned his master’s and Ph.D. in art history from Binghamton University. He cofounded the U.S. Latinx Art Forum, where he serves as the secretary and membership coordinator, and he recently conducted an oral-history interview with cultural icon Cheech Marin. As an author, artist, and academic, Franco credits the University with providing him a “strong foundation”: “Southwestern excels at encouraging the curious, and the art history department is second to none. I work closely with many peers from Ivy League backgrounds, and I’ve never felt behind them in our field.” A communication studies major and biology minor, DeHerrera is the senior production manager of lifestyle content for the Golf Channel. She also cochairs the Women’s Network at the Golf Channel, a group within the NBCUniversal Diversity and Inclusion team that organizes opportunities to give back to the community. Throughout her career, DeHerrera has traveled to Greece, Italy, China, and England to cover five Olympic Games for NBC, for which she has received seven Sports Emmys. She advises current students to “never stop networking and talking to people” because it’s helpful to “learn how people got to where they are.” Joanne Chiang DeHerrera ’01 | Orlando, FL Fitzgerald came to Southwestern wanting to study psychology, but after taking an Introduction to Accounting class, she immediately switched career paths. Fitzgerald has worked for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, DC, and currently, she is the managing director of Hines Luxembourg, where she oversees the European office in investments, management, and accounting. Living and working in Europe have provided her with a whole new perspective on working with various cultures and backgrounds. She advises students “to make the most of your experience in and out of the classroom because the other education is just as important as the classroom experience.” Margaret Blair Fitzgerald ’01 | Luxembourg City, Luxembourg