Southwestern Magazine | Fall 2019

53 SOUTHWESTERN Parents, mark your calendars for these upcoming events! to facilitate her learning outside the classroom, our daughter wouldn’t have been able to explore her field of interest in such great depths. Through her experiences, shewas also able to enhance the social skills specifically needed for interacting with patients.” Big BIGBiG Local events arealsocreatingopportunity for connecting students with locals. Philip Mo”att ’20 has served as the president of The BIG Event for the past two years. Every spring, hundreds of Southwestern students engage in a national day of service by giving back to the city of Georgetown through a flurry of volunteer activities. AlisonandToddMo”att P’20share, “Philipgot towork with nonprofit organizations through The BIG Event andwas amazed at the generous and hospitable climate created inGeorgetown for those inneed. Heworkedwith one organization solely dedicated to the specific need of giving car rides to those who can’t drive.” The South- western senior also solicited a great deal of free food fromrestaurants that were eager to help, which enabled him to motivate students to get up early on Saturday to go out into the community. For one BIGEvent participant, a day of service led to something more. Hayley Schultz ’20 served at Brook- wood inGeorgetown (BiG), a local nonprofit that provides meaningful work opportunities for adults with disabil- ities. In the words of Courtney and Ron Schultz P’20, “What was initially a one-day experience soon became part-time employment for Hayley. She fell in love with themeaningful work and the amazing people in the BiG community.”Hayley adds, “ThroughThe BIGEvent and working at BiG, I’ve had a chance to look beyondmyself at a critical time in my life, and because of that, my life has changed for the better.” Photo by Jason Jones 13 7–8 22 16–20 4–8 9 Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. May May Spring semester begins CharterDay celebration Spring FamilyDay Spring break Final exams Commencement CONTINUED ON PAGE 55 Southwestern students give back to the Georgetown community at The BIG Event.